Saturday, May 4, 2013


I LOVE Pinterest, there is no question about it!  I think my Pinterest addiction is right up there with my Facebook addiction!  What I did before these two sites came along, I can no longer remember! In a dream world, I would be a stay at home mom who cooks and crafts all day long.  Yes I know being a SAHM mom involves a hell of a lot more than this but remember...this is my dream world ;)

I came across this gem on Facebook tonight.  The timing of it is actually quite hilarious because my latest Pinterest project is currently laying face down in the backyard.  I was attempting to make this growth chart for B's new "big boy room" but as I was putting the finishing touches on it, my paint pen kept bleeding.  Being the perfectionist I am, I got EXTREMELY frustrated and decided to throw the board over the side of the deck.  Yes...I have issues :P  Although my creations usually turn out, clearly this one did not!

Not everything I do ends up in the backyard though!  Here are a few things I did complete over the winter...

A welcome sign make from a piece of wood I "borrowed" from an old one room school house near my grandmother's house in Newfoundland.
B's book slings...which are currently falling down :S  No where in the tutorial did it reinforce the fact that you should make sure these are anchored in studs (common sense for some maybe?  Clearly not for me!)  Those little plastic wall anchors just don't cut it!!  Another repair to add to our spring "to do" list!
My Valentine's Day wreath :)

With Spring in the air (some days?), my crafting will be put on hold while we complete a few projects around the house.  Working side by side with my husband is always an interesting experience.  Wish us luck with that one ;)

Happy Saturday :)

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Dreaming of beach days and BBQ's...

Hello there my long lost friends!  How are you?  Me, you ask?  I am recovering from what I think was a mild case of food poisoning!  You know those Costco hot dogs I mentioned before?  Yeah...not a lover anymore.  Anywho, moving on!

I can't tell you how happy I am that Spring is sloooowly making an appearance!  This has been a CRAZY winter to say the least!  Between juggling jobs, childcare, meals, and housework, things are just NUTS!  Not that the next few months will be any easier, but at least the countdown to summer break is getting shorter!  I am looking forward to my first official "teacher summer"! Only 83 days to go...but who's counting ;)

As I try to juggle our day to day lives, I often dream about what it would be like to not have a job.  In an ideal world, I would be a SAHM to 3 or 4 kids, filling my days with carpool, extra curriculars, play dates, volunteer work, crafts, cooking, baking, cleaning, coffee dates, and even the occasional date night with my fabulous husband!  The reality is, I am a substitute teacher by day who spends 2 nights a week answering phones at a local rec centre and babysits on the weekends for extra cash.  All while trying to keep a clean and organized household and making sure my family eats somewhat healthy food on a daily basis.  Let's not even talk about how spending quality time with my shift working husband or having a social life fits into all of this!

While catching up on some blog reading the other night, I came across a post written by one of my favourite bloggers, Kelle Hampton from Enjoying the Small Things.  Kelle is a mom to 3 beautiful children and has a very refreshing and inspiring take on life.  Click here for the actual post I am referring to but basically, Kelle compares her life to a juggling act and the fact that is it ok to leave a few "balls" on the floor.  Juggling is EXACTLY what I feel like I am doing most days.  However, the problem is, I hate leaving balls on the floor...literally or figuratively.  I have been known to stay up long ofter bedtime, folding laundry, cleaning up toys, sweeping floors, packing bags and preparing meals, ensuring that each day when we wake up, the house and everything/everyone in it is ready to go!  This folks, is completely exhausting!  Yes I know that the world is not gonna end if we eat french fries for dinner or if the laundry isn't done but this is what keeps my Type A personality in check and makes me feel like I am being a good wife, mother and career woman.  I am sure there are support groups for people like me ;)

Now you understand why I can't wait til June 28th when I no longer have to sit by the phone waiting for a work call or organizing a drop off/pick up at the babysitter's.  I just want to fill my days with sunshine and spend some quality time with my two favourite boys, doing the things we love!  I don't wanna worry about juggling those balls anymore!  Summer is about beach days and BBQ's!  Yes, I am sure I will find time to clean a few toilets and throw in a few loads of laundry but I can't wait to spend more time nurturing my favourite people, including myself :)  Only 83 days...only 83 days...

Happy Spring :)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Banana "Ice Cream"

Always on the hunt for dairy free treats for the youngster, I decided to try a recipe for banana "ice cream" that I saw on Pinterest!  I have to admit, I didn't really follow the recipe but just took the idea and ran with it.  So, I sliced 2 bananas and set them on a plate in the freezer for a few hours.  Then, I dumped the bananas into a blender and mixed until they were creamy smooth.  This was a bit of a process and I had to stop several times to scrape the sides of the blender.  I think a food processor would work much better for this.  Next I added a nice sized scoop of smooth peanut butter, a few spoonfuls of cocoa and blended it until everything was thoroughly mixed.  It had a nice, airy texture, similar to chocolate mousse!  I scooped the mixture into a few smaller containers and placed them in the freezer, allowing the mixture to firm up a bit and to be eaten as "ice cream".  Needless to say, it was a HIT!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

42 Days

Well, I think I pretty much broke my resolution about keeping up with this blog!  However, I have a good excuse!  Our computer was on the fritz and the idea of trying to blog on an iPhone was none too appealing!  All is well now though and I am reconnected :) 

It has been a busy 6 weeks!  I have been working 4-6 days a week, sometimes 12-14 hour days!  This has made for a CRAZY home life but we managed to get through it with lots of help from those around us and some great organization and planning (this is where I can give myself a good pat on the back.)

Some highlights/lowlights of the last 42 days include...

B started going to a babysitter 2 days  per week.

B has been sick since his first week at the babysitter''s going on a month now :S

I got an awesome Valentine's Day gift from the husband....a pedicure! 

I gave the husband a can of nuts for Valentine's Day.

I joined a gym!

I caught B's cooties and have gone to the gym twice since joining.

I turned 31 and have yet to go out on a birthday date with my husband.

My good friend's dad passed away :(

B's cold developed into a sinus infection, which required antibiotics.

B took an allergic reaction to his antibiotics and developed a wicked case of hives.

It is March Break!!

Our family just got home from an awesome mini vacation at our favourite cottage on the South Shore.

I did not meet the weight loss goal that was required to take said vacation but our family was in desperate need of some down time so we went anyway.

I still have to work at my night job over March break.

B is teething...and is CRANKY..and throwing LOADS of temper tantrums!  

A date has been set for our first annual girls getaway!

This is LIFE!